Welcome To Underground9

The best albums, old or new are posted here with their best formats and features and trying to get people more involved with this genre with reviews and information.
You can listen to a lot of good songs on the Music Player at the bottom of the page.
You can comment on the posts or on the cbox at the bottom of the sidebar, same for requests.
If you want to sponsor your material or you're interested in being an author here you can only contact me at Underground9Blog@hotmail.Com

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Underground9 Classics [Step 3]

Ok, so what is Underground9 Classics? well since mainstream albums come and go but classic albums stay eternal [sounds familiar?] i will upload every week a couple of albums that changed the history of HH music.

This will be included in a series of what i call Perfect Posts, which is what i do best: upload a GroupRip album with the full original Artwork and Lyrics for every song and likely Deluxe Editions.

Today i will upload one of the greatest albums i ever listened to, when i'll do that i will create a new section in the sidebar titled "Underground9 Classics", got any suggestion? send me an email or just write it in the CBox at the bottom of the sidebar.


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